As the starting moment of this series /Fires/ I consider encounter with my guitar – teacher Ivan Jašek.
At first our creative spirits met in realms of music and later on resulted into my paintings. In short the music lessons initiated the audio-visual fusion of „fires“, but with the realization of this joint project came my music teacher…
At first the subject of „Fires“ seemed all too banal to me although with passing time I entered deeper layers of the phenomenon. It happened at times when I felt paralyzed by my own inner chill- confusion when „Fires“became an immense outlet for my hidden feelings and so helped to create its own world of now be the penetrating then disappearing and again burning or soothing flames and once again gaining on strength or dying out again but accurately registering each movement of my mind and soul…
Some time ago I read a short story by Haruki Murakami the Japanese writer whose work is accompanying my life closely. I identify with his isolated heroes following original plots of his stories usually carrying slightly transcendental message…
In his short story „Landscape with an iron“there appears an older man who is hunted by idea to make fires on the beach in the middle of the night. It happened once that a young girl meets with this man by the fire and both keep staring into the fire.
Man says to a girl: „Fire my darling has limitless shapes and so each man can see in the fire what occupies his heart… when you see peace by observing the fire it is because you carry this peace within your body and so fire reflects that… It is not that you can get a glimpse of this in each fire.To make this happen fire must be free! A fire like that needs to have an adequate place to feel free. The reason why I settled in „this hole“ her is the fact that this beach offers more wood brought by the see for my fires. I made a long journey because of these fires…“
My personal „fires“ are constantly changing shapes and intensity but still keeps burning…