FOREST EROS /2008-2009/

Tereza woke up within herself a basic need to make contact with the ancient roots of „being“ and „the belief “ on the Earth. She turns away from noisy civilization of our overly technically – ridden society. To stay in, means constant struggle with manipulative value system and consequently maybe never win over the many propositions constantly challenging one ́s desires…

Tereza is called by the very voice of the forest and earth from which she is „growing up“. She leaves behind materialistic chaos and attempts via her forest visions to gain back access to the well of creation and the truth. Towards her authentic -lived truth toward her own creative expression that of a painter.

Her individual paintings become stops on this route, each of them having potential to suck you into its own specific plot-story. Her paintings are full
of secrets and tensions as well, better to say possessing „erotic vibrations“. Large format paintings offer both: feeling for fine and also earth-like color shades.Canvases are inhabited with various shapes often snake-like, flexible and etheric-like quality as well. Heavy weight tree trunks create space, foundations and also contrapuntal in regard to fine and subtle interplay of energetic fibers with their wave-like movement and illumination as if coming close to the spectrum of a rainbow.

Whirls, snake-like shapes or phallus shapes to say are mutually interwoven and penetrating seemingly firm substance … Movements of the nature in constant process of mutual self-penetrating, caressing, embracing, making love to, tickle by the finest network of hairs waving in the air. Endless movements as love dance of creation. Eros in action! All of that are Tereza ́s paintings. Erotic as creative energy is interwoven and connected with all. Tereza ́s attempt is to make visible what seems invisible in reality by showing subtle energetic vibrations…

Veronika Bromová /2008/ the oponent review