LADAKH /2008-2011/

“I close my eyes and find myself in a familiar world. The noise of the city goes down, the rush fades away, time slows down, just breath and heartbeat remain.”

I am here, in the middle of landscape that does not belong to man but to God. The soul is finally free. In a moment, the infinite horizon opens in front of me and a fresh stream of air fills my body. I am floating above the peaks … I am a bird flying over county of mountains, rivers and rocky plains … Dzo stands in the distance, he has a thick black fur, looks like Belzebub … I catch a short glimpse of his wild eye, then he gets lost on his path between the stones. In the distance, a donkey laments – it is not a lament, just a call for a mate, but a sound so pitiful that the heart hurts. I’m one of those miraculous creatures, I am the first and last person on Earth, surrounded by silence, filled with silence. ”